Welcome to Desert Family Home Health

We would love the opportunity to provide you with high-quality care at your doorstep.

Call us at: 480-637-0900

We are available 24 hours a day

Your care with us does not stop at the end of the day. All of our patients, and/or family members, have a direct line to a nurse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year.

Who We Are

Experienced and Supportive

We understand that there is not just one plan of care that fits every patient. We will take the time to get to know you and your family, and then will develop an individualized care plan that is tailored to meet your specific needs.

Quality Care You Can Trust

We specialize in skilled nursing care, as well as physical, occupational, and speech therapies in the home. Whether you need assistance with medication management, wound care, post-surgical care, or a variety of other needs, our clinical care team will provide individualized service that you can trust. This will all happen while you recover in the comfort of your own home!


Post-Surgical Care

Recovering from home after any surgery can limit you and make your daily activities more difficult to manage. Our highly trained nursing and/or therapy staff can meet your needs after any surgery in the comfort of your home.

Wound Care

Desert Family Home Health can provide quality wound care from minor scrapes or cuts, to pressure injuries of any stage. We will work closely with your primary care provider and/or wound clinic to help you achieve your highest possible outcome.

Medication Management

Our nurses are trained to assist you with any new prescriptions, as well as any medication changes, you may have been prescribed from your doctor. We can also set up your medications weekly to guide you to a successful outcome.

Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapies

No matter what your needs may be, our highly trained therapists will develop a personalized plan of care to assist your team in guiding you to achieve your highest possible outcome.

Social Aspects

At Desert Family Home Health, we utilize a holistic approach to meet the needs of our patients and their family members. We are aware of the physical & emotional challenge(s) that can come along with your current, and/or chronic, medical condition(s). This time period can also be an emotional time for friends and/or family members, which is partly why we have taken great time to hire educated, resourceful, and experienced staff. This staff includes nurses and social workers, who collaborate with the rest of the care team to create and execute the holistic, individualized care plan. This care plan will address your unique and very important concerns.

Contact Us

Ask Us Anything!

Let us know about any questions, comments, or concerns you may have. We will get back to you as soon as possible.